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Odds & Ends
Camp Habanero Hot Sauce
You don't have to go back to summer camp to earn your hot sauce badge! The label is a removable sticker so you can show off your accomplishment.
RAY Beer
RAY is a vitamin D-infused beer concept project designed in collaboration with OSU Fermentation Sciences, Business School and Graphic Design program. Design by, Maddie Finklea, Susan Lee and Maia Farris.
OSU Congrats Mailer
This mailer was sent to every student accepted to Oregon State University. Go Beavs!
Arnold House Screenprint
The two years I spent in a 100-year old house were only a small fragment in its 100-year-old history. This screenprint captures memorable moments, including flooded basements and broken windows.
Wire Waffle Sculpture
My attempt at constructing my favorite food out of a very unedible material.
Copenhagen Sign Painting
I made this during a 2-day sign painting workshop while I was in Copenhagen, Denmark. We spent the entirety of one of those days learning how to paint straight lines.
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